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- CaBoMaN
Caboman originaire du Cap-vert createur de CaboRadio en 2014 qui passe du Kizomba Funana Morna CaboHipHop Afro-House Cabo-Site de 2001 a 2011specaliste de l'histoire de la musique caverdienne CaBoMan BIO Fan of Cape Verdian music since a young age with parents who listen to a lot of Morna with a mother who is a fan of Bonga and a father who is a fan of Bana The click The 1st Gil & Perfecte concert in Baia on the island of Sao Vicente, Cape Verde. He became a fan of Gil and music producers Djoy Delgado and Dabs Lopes. he began to frequent the Cap Vert Music shop in Paris 18th with Georges and Victor, which made him want to cultivate the musical culture of the Cape Verde islands even more. Creator of Cabo-site.com in 2001 to 2013 a site made for the information and promotion of Cape Verdean artists such as Mika Mendes & Paulo Tavares, Jocel, Marysa, Shaicho Black, Phil Monteiro, Imeli Monteiro, Zico DC Brown, Elji , Nichols, Marcia etc. He released 2 albums with his group Criol Connection " Juventude d'agora and Double C » specializing in African-American music and hip-hop. Now he devotes himself to his Radio " Cabo Radio » which plays old music is new, there is Kizomba, Cabo hip hop, Funana, Morna, there are a lot of projects with this live radio etc..!! the adventure goes on Marysa Caboman caboman Djode dina.jpg Marysa Caboman 1/43
- CaboRadio | radio kizomba | Paris, France
www.caboradio.fr Découvrez une radio avec de la musiques des îles du Cap-vert et Angolaise ecouter du Kizomba, Afrobeats, Coladeira, Funana, Morna, Cabo-love, Cabo-zouk, Cabo-verde cv music 24hsur24 -7jours sur7.Descubra uma estação de rádio com música das ilhas de Cabo Verde e Angola © 2014-2022 Design by CaBoMaN created with Wix.com "Caboradio CVmusic caboverderadio KIZOMBA, MORNA, FUNANA, CABO VERDE, radio kizomba CONTACT We'd love to hear from you caositepromo@gmail .com Find us on #tiktokcaboradio #cabomantiktok #caboradioinstagram #tiktokcaboman bas
- Artistes | CaboRadio
artista caboverdiano cantor Djedje Jaysta Man Fernandes and a Cape Verdean rapper who lives on the East Coast of the United States. We hear it for the first time on Chandinho Dédé's album "Dog" with whom he was at war immediately after the release of the album. He has released three albums, two of which with his two acolytes from strela Negra with quite a few hits. He notably produces the group Novo reino He is truly one of the best Cape Verdean rappers. Djedje Jaysta Man Fernandes e um rapper Cabo-verdiana que vive na costa leste dos Estados Unidos. seus owe acólitos Strela Negra .Em particular, o grupo de produtos Novo reino .it é really parte dos melhores rappers de Cabo Verde Grace EVORA the famous drummer of the group Livity & Splash is one of the 1st artist to sing CaboLove a style between Coladeira and zouk There were successes in the 90s / 2000s, we continue to sing beautiful songs today. Kel Famoso Graça ÉVORA kel baterista de Livity & Splash é um dos o primeiro artista a cantar uma CaboLove estilo entre Coladeira e zouk Ele tinha um grand sucesso nos anos 90/2000 dias que continuaram a cantar belas canções. J ohnny FONSECA is an incredibly talented guitarist, a remarkably precise player, who has brought a rock touch to Cape Verdean music. He is also among the most melodic of guitarists, using his solos on stage Johnny's musical career begins with the group LIVITY then SPLASH! he worked with the greatest Jorge Neto, Grace Evora, Gil Semedo, Dina Medina, Suzanna Lubrano, Beto Dias etc… .. Johnny FONSECA was a guitarrista inacreditavelmente talentoso, jogador excelentemente preciso, que tem traz um style Rock na música caboverdiano. Ele também está entre o mais melódico dos guitarristas, usando seus solos no show live. kel carreira começa com o grupo Livity seguida, splash! ele trabalhou com o maior Jorge Neto maior, Grace (Favor) Evora, Gil Semedo, Dina Medina, Suzanna Lubrano, Beto Dias ... The 1st Cape Verdean rap group from Rotterdam Cabo funk Alliance founded (Vortex Guardian aka Angel ove, Jay B, Eddy Fort, Nuba) in 1992. In 1995 the CD “Hoje È Quel Dia” was released (CD, EP) Produced by Atlantic Music. O primeiro grupo de rap de CaboVerdiano fouda em 1992 "Cabo Funk Alliance" by Roterdão (Vortex Guardian aka Angel ove, Jay B, Eddy Fort, Nuba)Em 1995, o CD "Hoje È Quel Dia" está nas caixas (CD, EP ) Produced by Atlantic Music.
- Loga CaboShop | CaboRadio
CaboShop é uma loja de roupas online em Cabo Verde e Amilcar Cabral CABO-SHOP T-shirt styles available store 27,26 € Badera 1975 Top duo 28,70 € Badera 1975 T-shirt graphique 28,70 € Aristides Amilcar T-shirt graphique 27,26 € Amilcar Cabarl not militaries Top mousseline 28,70 € Amilcar Cabarl not militaries T-shirt graphique 17,91€ cabralista T-shirt classique 27,26 € #Cabralista Top mousseline 17,91€ UNIDADE E LUTA T-shirt classique 27,26 € #CABOVERDE Top duo 27,26 € #CABOVERDE Top mousseline girls 28,70€ #CABOVERDE T-shirt graphique men 28,70 € 100% caboverdiano T-shirt graphique 17,91 € 100% caboverdiano T-shirt graphique 28,70 € Coração cv T-shirt graphique 28,28€ coração cv T-shirt coupe relax 27,26 € Fidju di terra Top duo girls 28,70€ Fidju di terra Top duo 27,26 € Cabo Verde ki sta manda Top duo 28,70 € Cabo Verde ki sta manda T-shirt graphique 17,91 € vegeta T-shirt Sheet face masks 13,40 € / 10,72 € dès 4 acheté(e)s Masque badera cabo verde 75 13,40 €TVA incluse 10,72 € dès 4 acheté(e)s Masque #CABOVERDE 13,40 € / 10,72 € dès 4 acheté(e)s Masque CABO VERDE 1975/1992 13,40 €TVA incluse 10,72 € dès 4 acheté(e)s Masque Aristides Amilcar 13,40 €TVA incluse 10,72 € dès 4 acheté(e)s Masque Fidju di terra 13,40 €TVA incluse 10,72 € dès 4 acheté(e)s Masque Cabo Verde ki sta manda 13,40 €TVA incluse 10,72 € dès 4 acheté(e)s Masque Amilcar Cabarl not militaries 13,40 €TVA incluse 10,72 € dès 4 acheté(e)s MASQUE Cabralista 13,40 € / 10,72 € dès 4 acheté(e)s Masque cv Hoodie 44,50 € UNIDADE E LUTA Sweat à capuche épais 38,49 € Aristides Amilcar Sweat à capuche léger 44,50 € Amilcar Cabarl not militaries Sweat à capuche épais 38,49 € CABO VERDE 1975 92 Sweat à capuche léger 38,49 € 100% caboverdiano Sweat à capuche léger 38,49 € Coração cv Sweat à capuche lége 44,50 € Palavra d'Amilcar Cabral Sweat à capuche épais 38,49 € #Cabralista Sweat à capuche léger 44,50 € #Cabralista Sweat à capuche épais 38,49 € Amilcar Cabarl not militaries Sweat à capuche léger
- Programme radio | CaboRadio
Programme de la semaine sur caboradio.net du lundi aux dimanche Hit Kizomba Monday monday Segunda Feira Hit Kizomba Hit Cabo Hit Funana Tuesday tuesday Terça-feira Funana Day Cabo Hip-Hop Wednesday wednesday Quarta Feira Cabo Hip Hop street/kizomba DJ Mix Remix Thusday Thursday quinta feira DJ Mix & Remix Kiz kuduro AfroBeats Best of Kizomba Friday friday sexta feira Hit Kizomba Best of Kizomba Lembra Tempo cabo love Saturday saturday Sabado hit CaboLove/ New Kizomba Lembra Tempo Coladeira Sunday sunday domingo hit Coladeira hit CaboLove (1990-2008)